Testing for dissolved oxygen in water in the Wastewater treatment industry

Testing for dissolved oxygen in water in the Wastewater treatment industry Wastewater treatment is a crucial process that aims to remove pollutants from wastewater to ensure that it is safe for discharge into the environment. Dissolved oxygen is a critical parameter i

Wastewater treatment is a crucial process that aims to remove pollutants from wastewater to ensure that it is safe for discharge into the environment. Dissolved oxygen is a critical parameter in the wastewater treatment process, as it plays a significant role in the breakdown of organic matter. In this blog, we will discuss how dissolved oxygen testing is performed in the wastewater treatment industry.

Why is Dissolved Oxygen Testing Important in Wastewater Treatment?

The wastewater treatment process involves several stages, including primary treatment, secondary treatment, and tertiary treatment. During the secondary treatment stage, microorganisms are used to break down organic matter in the wastewater. These microorganisms require oxygen for respiration, and dissolved oxygen is essential to maintain their activity levels.

If the dissolved oxygen levels in the wastewater are insufficient, the microorganisms may not be able to break down the organic matter effectively, leading to a decrease in treatment efficiency and an increase in pollutants discharged into the environment. Additionally, if the dissolved oxygen levels are too high, it can lead to excessive energy consumption and equipment wear and tear.

Click here for Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit 0-40 ppb

Dissolved Oxygen Test Kit 0-1ppm 

Please contact us for other ranges of dissolved oxygen

Watertest systems is based in South West Sydeny,  Australia

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