how do I get my local water tested ?

How do I get my local water tested ? Getting your local water tested typically involves a straightforward process, and it's essential for ensuring the safety and quality of your drinking water. Here's how you can get your local water tested:

Getting your local water tested typically involves a straightforward process, and it's essential for ensuring the safety and quality of your drinking water. Here's how you can get your local water tested:

  1. Contact Your Local Water Authority or Utility:

    • Start by reaching out to your local water authority or utility company. They can provide information on how to get your water tested and may offer testing services themselves or recommend certified laboratories.
  2. Determine What to Test For:

    • Identify the specific contaminants or parameters you want to test for. Common tests include those for bacteria (e.g., coliform and E. coli), lead, nitrates, pH, and other chemical contaminants.
  3. Request a Water Testing Kit:

    • Contact the chosen laboratory and request a water testing kit. They may provide instructions for collecting a water sample and packaging it properly for analysis. Click here for kit 
  4. Collect a Water Sample:

    • Follow the laboratory's instructions carefully to collect a representative water sample. Typically, this involves using a clean container and following specific sampling techniques to avoid contamination.
  5. Complete Necessary Forms:

    • Depending on the laboratory and the tests you're requesting, you may need to fill out forms with information about your location, water source, and the contaminants you want to test for.
  6. Submit the Sample:

    • Take the water sample to the laboratory or follow their instructions for shipping or drop-off. Ensure the sample remains well-preserved and does not become contaminated during transport.
  7. Wait for Results:

    • The laboratory will analyze your water sample and provide you with the test results. The turnaround time can vary depending on the complexity of the tests and the laboratory's workload.
  8. Review the Results:

    • Once you receive the test results, review them carefully. The results will indicate whether your water meets regulatory standards and highlight any contaminants or issues that need attention.
  9. Interpretation and Action:

    • If the test results show any contaminants above safe levels or if you have concerns about water quality, consult with the laboratory or a water quality expert to interpret the results and determine the necessary actions.
  10. Follow-Up Testing:

    • Depending on the results and your water source, consider scheduling regular follow-up testing to monitor water quality and ensure ongoing safety.

Remember that water quality can change over time, so periodic testing is essential to ensure the continued safety of your drinking water. It's also important to stay informed about any local or regional water quality issues and adhere to any recommended testing schedules or guidelines provided by your local water authority or regulatory agency.

Click here for a kit 

Click here for a Water Analysis

Watertest Systems is based in South West Sydeny, Australia

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