The power generation industry - water testing and treatment in power plants

An expert in water testing and trusted partner of power generation companies, Water Test Systems (representing Chemetrics in Australia) provides active and efficient solutions for monitoring the deposits of corrosive elements in water. Our tools help maintain ultra-high quality water by measuring trace contaminations in parts per billion, while monitoring and controlling for chemicals used to avoid corrosion in turbines, boilers and pipes.
Our team offers more than 100 years of cumulative experience in water testing kits, on-line process instrumentation, one of the widest range of reagents, laboratory equipment and supplies for all your water sampling and analysis requirements. The proper chemistry management, control of dissolved gases, and maintenance of pH ranges provided by our instruments not only keep cost and risk down, but also greatly extend the useful lifetime of the plant.
Our solutions for water and steam applications are used to:
- Monitor the boiler water and feed water treatment
- Control steam residue and contamination by dissolved gases
- Test pH and conductivity at different points
- Control purity of steam being produced
- Determine purity of boiler water, feed water, and outlet water
- Test injection water injected into combustion turbine
- Monitor and test corrosion and effectiveness of water treatment at all stages of power generation process
What we offer:
- Among the broadest ranges of parameters in laboratory equipment, reagents and supplies
- Portable test kits, field instruments and on line instrumentations
- Automatic samplers and flow meters
- Custom test kits and chemical manufacturing
See all water test kits
Reagents, buffers and standards
Water tests and reagents are available in the online shop for the parameters:
Dissolved Oxygen
Hardness (Total)
Hydrogen Peroxide
Total Dissolved Solids
Choose your product online or order a custom one for your industrial application
Most products can be purchased from the website. If you require a non-listed product or would prefer a custom test kit or water treatment chemicals, please contact us to discuss your exact needs and available solutions at +61 2 8706 5400 or